Saturday, February 2, 2008

Paint Bank City Limits..Weekend Edition

(All tales are true, some we just wish they were and names are changed to protect the innocent)

Saturday mornings are jumpin' in Paint's gettin' about as excitin' as when Woody J. got pinned in the middle barn up at Hollow Hill Farm by a female skunk that wanted to have her way with him. Woody, being a quick thinker (seeing as how he used to be a cop up north) immediately pulled out his walkie-talkie to call for back-up. HELP HELP...Woody here Woody here..I'm being attacked...Come quick. Well, at that urgent call for help, the entire local EMT.. the Waiteville Volunteer Fire Dept.... the entire Paint Bank Fire Dept.(driving "The Boss" a gift from Bruce Springsteen, and loads of guys in pick up trucks came to the rescue. Unfortunately before they got there(you guessed it)..she had lavished him with her latest version of " Midnight In Paris". Now that skunk must have seen something in Woody that none of us could see cause she laid such a potent scent of love on him that the female Buffalo in that middle barn commenced to demolishing everything in their way to reach their Sultan of Scent. Now I'm not goin' to elaborate about the scene that the rescuers found that day, but I will tell you that it took 2 hours to prize his hands from around the Chestnut Oak ridge pole 30 foot up top of the barn.
So believe me, when you come to visit with us, you'll know when Woody's comin' to town...even before he gets here.
By the way...join us tomorrow, Super Bowl Sunday for a "super bowl" of healthy, low fat Buffalo Chile Beans at The Swinging Bridge Restaurant... then come see me across the street to the Lodge and take the time to say "
HEY"....and I'll say Hey right back at you.

FYI..According to researchers over a 60 year period, the groundhog has accurately predicted the coming of spring 28% of the time.