Sunday, February 3, 2008

Paint Bank City Limits...Weekend Edition Post Script

( Post Script to our Ground Hog Story...names have been changed to protect the innocent)

As I crossed the road to Paint Bank General Store this Saturday past, I encountered a delightful group of gals from Bedford Virginia embarking their vehicle to partake in some mouth-watering vittles from the Swinging Bridge Restaurant. As I engaged them in a conversation,they presented me with a printed copy of our Friday's blog about groundhogs. The ringleader of this group...let's call them " Clara Bubba and The Bedford Beauties"... said to me, "we drove all the way for some ground hog gravy and biscuits and to tell you about My recipe for the stuff". Well, all you had to do is look in Clara Bubba's eyes and you knew you were gonna have a good time just talking to her and her gang.....and lord knows were all about havin a good time in Paint Bank. We commenced to make our way thru the store, into the restaurant placed orders for the "Almost Famous Paint Bank Sub and the "Paint Bank Steak and Cheese(you can't these in Philadelphia) Sub"...then proceeded with our hen party. I ask Clara Bubba her groundhog weapon of choice..a 22 long rifle or a Goodyear 375 15 radial and she said she preferred her trusty 22 long cause her road-kill hunting" wasn't as accurate. She recalled the day that she notched her gun stock 9 times. The first groundhog, she got with her gun out her shop window...the next three she spotted only gleaned her two of the three...for the next 6 she decided to go into the house and finally get a bullet for the gun cause her throwing arm was getting tired. Well after a good belly laugh...some conversation about lickin' the bowl of our ole timey homemade "Nanner Puddin'...she said with that gleam in her eye..."I think I'll wait till next time to give you my recipe"...and that was good news because it meant I'd have another chance to "chew the fat" so to speak with "Clara Bubba and The Bedford Beauties". Thanks gals for making my day!!!

Question of the Day..Does tomato juice actually work for a dog that's been sprayed by a skunk. Yes it does. It's probably the acid in the tomato juice that neutralizes the skunk smell, but you'd better wear rubber gloves to do it or you'll end up like Woody J...maybe we ought to try that on him.