Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Go Back Go Back Go Back into the woods.

This is the time of year that I (and if you knew what I knew, you too) have been waiting for. The no pain real gain, no cost year lost advancement of the Natural and clinically proven age reversal process. I know I have been in the not informational abyss for some time now but I'm back with a vengeance and full proof plan for age reversal. TAKE NOTES CAUSE THERE'S A TEST AT 3:00. If you have read my blog before, you realize that I have uncovered a little tapped youth theory. This is the week that it all comes to fruition. SUNDAY is the fall back time day...right?...Not only is there an hour fall back, but if you had subscribed to the theory...at the bewitching hour of roll back, saved all the components ( daylight savings, leap year, late for an appointment, forgetting someones name...all that stuff that you don't use, will allow you to RECLAIM a month that's been lost. Now...none of those expletives as to Bull@&*+!...I would not steer you wrong. This Sunday, when the event happens....just come to Paint Bank and observe my age reversal...and then scoff at me. I can't exactly explain it..it has something to do with a worm hole. It has nothing to do with the fact that Friday is October 31st and All Hollows Eve( although some strange things have happened up Eve's hallow but that's neither here nor there)Better known as Halloween and a Gobbelishous day for young and old. Treats for the Kiddies young and old and delicious food events at The Bridge.

While you're in Paint Bank, the epicenter of youth reversal, come across the street to The Depot Lodge and say Hey...you'll know me, I'm the one with the sign around her neck that says 'Don't Hate Me Cause I'm Young and Beautiful"....come on...give me just this one dream.

Included in the test is the word of the day:

Chin-Wag...Definition: Light informal conversation for social occasions.
In a sentence. "Have a martini and don't worry it's Daylight savings reversal day and soon you won't have a chin-wag.