Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Who's Mr Clark

I love Clark Bars, it's still one candy bar that doesn't taste like it's been sitting in the carburetor of your engine for 3 weeks. There's not much that taste like "real food" anymore, so I appreciate that homemade taste,even if it's not homemade. So you know what we're gonna do for you at Paint Bank General Store. This year for Chuck Cupid's annual memorial day...Valentines Day...we're gonna make....real homemade, death by chocolate, killer fudge...fudge soooo good that you'll throw all that factory made stuff away...fudge so good that it will make you cry. This is our Valentine's gift to you and I promise, one taste is gonna bring back that ole' time feeling that you used to get when Saturday morning came and you didn't have school, or when your mama pulled that fresh baked cake out of the oven, or how you felt at 7:28 on Friday night just before your date picked you up .
Come to Paint Bank and peruse through all the unique Valentine's gifts or let one of our people design a Valentine gift basket for you. Buy you an extra piece of fudge and eat on the way home so you won't have to share it. Valentine's is Thursday, but we're extending it through Sunday here at Paint Bank, "the epicenter of love".

Only 37 days till Spring!

Birthday Lore of the Day for Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Although a good and clear reasoner, you are, at a critical time, apt to be impractical. Speculation would be dangerous for you. You are fond of music and art and have some ability for both. You prefer the company of the opposite sex and are quite popular.

From The Old Farmer's Almanac.

Word of the day

Argy Bargy....A verbal dispute...a wrangling argument