Friday, February 15, 2008

Leaps and Bounds

It's amazing to me how much the wide spot in the road called "Paint Bank" has gown since I came here 14 years ago. What had then seemed like a "time gone by' has like "Phoenix rising for the ashes", become a bustling, alive destination again. Just last evening, we were celebrating Chuck Cupid's day with some of the finest Prime Rib I've ever put in my mouth, thanks to "Burger-slayer" and his peeps at the Swinging Bridge. At the lodge, we had newly-weds in the caboose,(what a train ride that was). In the cottage was a great family of 5(3 kids) from Bedford, who remarked that the kids didn't need entertaining here...there was the creek ...woods...farmland and surrounding area for them to explore. Then there were the folks at the cabin on the creek, who could relax in complete solitude. But if you want excitement, coming soon, are adventure .packages....and oh, Tinglers Mill will be crankin' up in the near future. So stay tuned folks...after a brief message from one of our sponsors, we'll be right back...

Are your lips dry and cracked from the winter weather...are they too parched to pucker...well what you need,folks, is a tube of Bert's Bee's medicated lip balm with clove oil...guaranteed to give you pucker-power and sweet smelling breath at the same'll find it upstairs in The Swinging Bridge Retail...great other sale bargains, like 60% off on all Woolrich Clothing,too.

Now back to our main attraction...the Word of the day... Psychrometer......
An instrument used for measuring the water vapor in the air. Boy, that word ought to come in handy at this week's sales meeting!