Sunday, January 11, 2009


Without being fully aware of it, we speak in oxymoron's everyday, a seemingly accepted way of expressing one's self with out any real thought to the ramifications. I clearly think that oxymoron's have be "clearly misunderstood."..
whoa horse $%&*@..I just spake in oxymoronanize..."clearly misunderstood" ...Sweet Mother of Pearl...2 demerits...alright I'll do better. Anyway, back to my point. If you're standing in a "small crowd" of folks talking....Oh sunny beach...there I go again, oxymoroning all over the place..there's no such thing as a small crowd" thing's are getting pretty ugly...BAAAA...oxymoroned again....I need to move with deliberate haste...BAAAA...act naturally..BAAA...put out a silent scream....Oh Hell's Angles....forget about it!!!!.
You need to come on to Paint Bank to the next best place to home-cooking...The Swinging Bridge and oxymoron all over the place, we don't care...we'll love you anyway. An while you're there, come on across the street to the Depot Lodge and say hey...I'll say hey back at cha"'ll know me...I'm the little woman in the black sweater looking stupid, eating Jumbo loose tights...reading any original copy....Oh kiss my......GRITS....that's my definition of an oxymoron you stupid phrase.