Thursday, February 28, 2008

Minus is plus

Anticipation is invading my entire being...I feel like I'm reborn....LEAP YEAR is my "fountain of youth". Why hasn't anyone thought of this before..."Reversal of age via leap year participation formula"...the new "youth-anizing" thought process that activates a brain chemical which infuses endorphins causing age-reversal! Man!'s what I'm about Dude, it has to work...maybe by activating that 90% or so of our brain that we don't use(or in my case 98%) could happen!!.We spend billions of dollars a year, slopping everything from animal extract to yew juice on our face and swearing that it makes us look younger why don't we give this a chance. Tomorrow, "Hallowed Leap Year Day"...I want you to take a post-it-note, write down the age you would like to be, drop it in a black waste-basket on the street corner near you... then call this toll-free number 1-800-970-3376....ask mamajama for the secret word....once you have it....say it 3 times as you do 3 deep knee bends while closing one eye...wait till 7:42 pm and look in the mirror...if you don't see immediate results, I'll have a deal for you. Come to Paint Bank General Store and try out the detox system in our new "Natural Health"'s just one FIND in our constant search for your benefit and happiness. Just this one time...try the" Leap Year" thing...if it doesn't work, we have 4 years to perfect it....I'll be waiting for your call.

Just 3 weeks...21 days till Spring...Vern never looks does he do it?

Here's a fun mind worker....Anagram Puzzle...

Q: Change these words into one word..."One hug"
Get the answer in tomorrows blog.